OK so I guess I will join in on the blogging tag thing and tell 6 things about myself that people may not know. I will try to make the comments short and sweet ( as much as they can be)
1- I miss my brothers and sisters! They all moved away from me and its just not the same. Mom and dad still love me though! But I do really love when you come to visit ( at least at mom and dads house). I love you guys!
2-I am actually very uncomfortable in new places like going to a new ward or to parties where I only know 1 or 2 people. But I fake being comfortable and make myself be outgoing, I am really on the shy side if I dont force myself.
3-I like to watch re-runs of old shows like saved by the bell and 90210! I have seen every episode, I think.
4-I really want to finish school. I dont particularly ( is that how you spell it) like the whole homework thing but I know that I will love it once I am in the hygiene program!
5-I really love being a mom. I know I tell stories about how naughty Chloe can be but she makes me laugh all of the time, she gives me hugs and kisses a hundred times a day, she is so compassionate and loving to me and Chris ( and anyone who she feels needs it). And she is actually a pretty easy child! I am lucky.
6-I am a very very very emotional person, maybe that is more obvious than I think. I cry at anything spiritual or sweet or sad. And right now it is 100 times more than normal, I must be pregnant!
So there you have it, like it or not. I think I will tag Shannon, because you are new at blogging and I never get to see you, and Sarah because of the same reason and Jo Anna because I might as well tag all of my sisters-in-law!