Thursday, March 26, 2009

Total burnout

Sorry I have been suffering from blog burnout, busyness, and my main computer being out of comission. I will post picts of what we have been up to, so so much going on, when my main computer gets a new monitor ( i hope that is the problem anyways). We have just been working on the kitchen, backyard, we had a ski trip, a wedding ( my baby sis), stake conference with Elder Nelson, family in town, girls getting sick and much much more. But I will post again with fun stuff, but when, I dont know!


Sandy and Aaron said...

Hi Buffy, it's Sandy. I saw your blog link on Candis' blog so I thought I'd say hi!!!! I hope you are doing good. Send me an e-mail sometime, I'd love to catch up with you!!!!

Tanner Fam said...

Nice excuse.