Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A good clean ugly book

For a couple months now I have had 2 young women recommend a book to me called Uglies by author Scott Westerfeld. So finally after having it placed on hold at the library, I got it and read it in 3 days. It was a really good book and I would recommend it to any preteen, teen, and beyond reader, both boys and girls. It was clean and actually a quite interesting story. There are 3 other sequels to the series, the next one is called pretties, then specials, and lastly extras ( you'll understand the meanings after reading the first one) and I already have placed a hold on them at my library. So if you want something easy and good to read, you have my recommendation!


Me and Mr. P... said...

Buffy I ave them you are welcome to borrow them so you don't have to wait!!

Misha said...

Thanks Buffy. I'll have to check 'em out. I'm always looking for a good bood to read. Wonder if any of my young women have read them.

Me and Mr. P... said...

I have another stack of books to pass on to you but don't have your home number! Kalyn gave me the hourglass door for my birthday and I LOVED it!!So you definitely need to read that one!!

Nilda Noel said...

I really liked Uglies, Pretties and Specials. Extras was a waste of time. Have you finished them all? My sister has them. So if you want to borrower them, let me know.