Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Miss Diva

Bella had a photoshoot when she was 3 days old and these are a few of the pictures that were taken. They were done by Jessica Mandile of Jessica Mandile photography. Bella was a bit of a diva during the shoot, and to this day I still have not heard her fuss so much as she did when her pictures were being taken. She is just like her father, they both hate to take pictures! But they turned out nicely, thanks Jessica!


Kate said...

Oh my Buffy! She is such a princess!! Chloe is pretty darn cute too! Chris is going to have his hands full soon with all the boys chasing after your girls :)

Nicole Hunter said...

Those are such darling pictures! I love them!

Sarah said...

Buffy and Chris

Congrats on the new little one. Grandma Lloyd and I are so happy and excited for you.

We can't wait until you all come up to visit again.

Give our love to everyone

Sarah, Grandma L & Puggie

Melissa said...

She is SO beautiful! I love these pictures, already in bows and pearls. I can't believe her hair, there's so much of it!
I'm happy to hear that she is so good for you and that you're all adjusting well. You are all beautiful girls!

Jess said...

She is so pretty! When am I going to see her in person?

shananchuck said...

Those are such adorable photos!!
And I love her name. Your girls are just so cute!!