Friday, October 3, 2008

Lazy and proud of it

I was reading a blog recently ( I wont name names) and it was very inspirational to me. This woman is such a fun mom and even though I dont know her I could just tell how much she loved her children and her divine calling as a mother. This got me thinking. When Chloe was a baby I remember having a conversation with a young boy who I am related to ( again I wont name names) about my job.

Boy: So who does Chloe stay with when you go to work.

Me: I dont go to work, Chloe hangs out with me all day.

Boy: Oh so you're just lazy!

Kids say the darndest things! But truly, I love being a mother. I am so thankful for my girls and now that I am a mother I love my mother ( and mother in law) even more deeply for what they did for me and Chris! Dads are Aweome too ( dont want to leave them out!)


Joey and Megan said...

I had such a fun day just hanging out with Kendall today. I found out that she is going to have 6 kids and some babies and marry Robbie Shallenberger. We haven't had a day just to hang out and chat for so long, it made me so grateful to be a mom :)

Ammanda said...

When I had Lindy I thought, "Every year on my birthday I need to give my mom a present just for giving birth to me....and a thank you card for all the sleepless nights I'm sure she endured..." I agree - I have a whole new appreciation for moms after becoming one.

Lori said...

Since your so lazzzzy! I thought you might need a tag. I'm just joking, but I really did tag you. Check my blog! By the way you inspired me to finally try coupon sense. I'll let you know how it goes.

Mark and Kristi said...

I agree with you so much! I wondered I was going to adjust to being a stay at home mom with being so use to all the social interaction with coaching and teaching, but I love it! I will admit that teaching everyday and coaching is a lot EASIER than what we do now! But... what we do now is so much more fun and rewarding!
You are an awesome mom!

Candis said...

I was cleaning out my e-mails and ran across an e-mail from Sandy that had your blog address on it. I totally had forgotten about that. So I decided to go to it and see how your cute family was...
Cute pics! Can't believe how old we're getting! Congrats on the new house too!

The Booher's said...

Candis I need your email address, how the heck are you doing girl! email me at

Candis said...

We're good. How are you. I'll e-mail you and we can catch up!