Friday, May 28, 2010

life passing us by

Chloe getting her diploma from Miss Linda and Miss Amber. I am really going to miss them, they are the best teachers, if you need a preschool for your 3 or 4 year old, I highly recommend them!

She was the only one doing the actions to the songs they sang at graduation.

She loved her field trip to the fire station and said that she wants to be a firefighter when she grows up ( I have no idea how to rotate the pictures)

She is just getting way too big! And had her first birthday party and loved every minute of it ( except when she pulled an " its my party and I'll cry if I want to" moment.

Where did April and May go? It was filled with Easter, conference, birthdays, graduations, girls camp, and getting ready for summer!


Katherine said...

Chloe is the most beautiful ragamuffin around! And the tannest. And I love her hair in the firefighter picture haha

Rebecca said...

Chloe has a killer smile just like her mother! And Bella just makes me laugh. I do like her hair short but it makes me sad that her long hair had to go like that.