Thursday, November 27, 2008
I have to confess that I have never read the twilight books. Everybody asks me if that is where I got Bella's name from, sorry people, I had no idea. However I did really want to see the movie. I did the same thing with the Harry Potter books. I never read one until I saw the movie. I do it like that because I dont want to get pictures of the characters in my head and then be dissapointed when I see the movies because they look different than I pictured them. So last night Chris said, Hey why dont we go see the twilight movie. I was shocked becuase that is so unlike him to suggest we go to a chick flick but I jumped at the chance. And I have to say that I am so glad that I didnt read the books because I really really liked the movie. I think most people who read the books were dissapointed. But I think that the vampires were very well casted, they all looked just like vampires. And I know people were complaining about Edward being ugly in the movie, but I thought he was perfect, he totally was a believeable vampire. So now that I have seen the movie, I am totally wanting to read the books! Sorry to all of you who already read the books and were dissapointed!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
My 3 Candy Corns
Every year for Thanksgiving my Nonny (dads mom) would set the tables with little cups that had candy corn in it at each seat. We were supposed to say something that we were thankful for for each candy corn we had in the cup. For some reason I remember there were always 3, which may be because we ate most of them. So I was thinking, what would me 3 candy corns be this year. I could take the easy way out and say Chris, Chloe and Bella, but thats a given, right? So I am thinking outside the box of the usual ones ( church, family, ect) and thought it would be fun to see what other things I am thankful for.
Candy Corn #1: My Pressure Cooker. If you dont have one, you are totally missing out. If you have one and use it 3 times a week like I do, then you understand!
Candy Corn #2: Cereal. I could eat it every meal if I had to. Its healthy, ( at least the kind I eat) its a good snack to pack in your diaper bag, and its oh soooo delicious!
Candy Corn #3: The internet. I love that with a few clicks of a mouse I can connect with friends, check my bank account, make a photobook, find a recipe for dinner, get a personal progress idea for church, shop, and so much more!
Ok, now I really cant get away without a few Candy corns that have some depth to them.
Candy Corn #4: Family. A bit cliche but soooo true. I love them, all of them from Chris, to my kids, to my parents, to my siblings and their spouses ( and almost fiance), and my nieces and nephews, and my in-laws, and my grandparents, cousins, ect. Those of you who know us know that we are related to almost everybody and I am thankful for them all!
Candy Corn #5: Laughter. I love to laugh, ha ha ha ha, loud and long and clear ( did I just bust into a mary poppins song?) But seriously, I love it! Especially laughing with somebody, its the best. Most of my memories involve laughing in someway. I think it has healing power and keeps the soul young!
Alright I think this is getting a bit too long so I will end. Happy Thanksgiving everybody, and while you are eating your turkey and cranberry sauce ( which is my most favorite part of the Thanksgiving meal) maybe you could think about what your 3 candy corns are! OK I'll stop, thats way too cheesy!
Candy Corn #1: My Pressure Cooker. If you dont have one, you are totally missing out. If you have one and use it 3 times a week like I do, then you understand!
Candy Corn #2: Cereal. I could eat it every meal if I had to. Its healthy, ( at least the kind I eat) its a good snack to pack in your diaper bag, and its oh soooo delicious!
Candy Corn #3: The internet. I love that with a few clicks of a mouse I can connect with friends, check my bank account, make a photobook, find a recipe for dinner, get a personal progress idea for church, shop, and so much more!
Ok, now I really cant get away without a few Candy corns that have some depth to them.
Candy Corn #4: Family. A bit cliche but soooo true. I love them, all of them from Chris, to my kids, to my parents, to my siblings and their spouses ( and almost fiance), and my nieces and nephews, and my in-laws, and my grandparents, cousins, ect. Those of you who know us know that we are related to almost everybody and I am thankful for them all!
Candy Corn #5: Laughter. I love to laugh, ha ha ha ha, loud and long and clear ( did I just bust into a mary poppins song?) But seriously, I love it! Especially laughing with somebody, its the best. Most of my memories involve laughing in someway. I think it has healing power and keeps the soul young!
Alright I think this is getting a bit too long so I will end. Happy Thanksgiving everybody, and while you are eating your turkey and cranberry sauce ( which is my most favorite part of the Thanksgiving meal) maybe you could think about what your 3 candy corns are! OK I'll stop, thats way too cheesy!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Notice anything different?

Nope its not Katherine, its me! I got sick of being a "fake Blonde!" which I usually do around the time when my roots are 3 inches long. I am still shocked when I first glance in the mirror but I think it matches my eyebrows better. What do you think? Dont mind the scary looking picture, I had to take it myself, ( I know Im such a dork!)
Monday, November 17, 2008
Happy Anniversary
Today my parents celebrate their 35th wedding anniversary! I could get really mushy and teary about all that they have done and the example that they are to me and how amazing and wonderful they are and how lucky I am to have the most perfect parents with the most perfect marriage and how they are so strong ect... But I won't, I dont want to embarrass them! hee hee! I love my parents, they are so special to me and make me feel so important. I wish and hope that I can be like them in every way and that I can be to my children how they are to me. Ok I'll stop now! Happy Anniversary!
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