Thursday, November 27, 2008


I have to confess that I have never read the twilight books. Everybody asks me if that is where I got Bella's name from, sorry people, I had no idea. However I did really want to see the movie. I did the same thing with the Harry Potter books. I never read one until I saw the movie. I do it like that because I dont want to get pictures of the characters in my head and then be dissapointed when I see the movies because they look different than I pictured them. So last night Chris said, Hey why dont we go see the twilight movie. I was shocked becuase that is so unlike him to suggest we go to a chick flick but I jumped at the chance. And I have to say that I am so glad that I didnt read the books because I really really liked the movie. I think most people who read the books were dissapointed. But I think that the vampires were very well casted, they all looked just like vampires. And I know people were complaining about Edward being ugly in the movie, but I thought he was perfect, he totally was a believeable vampire. So now that I have seen the movie, I am totally wanting to read the books! Sorry to all of you who already read the books and were dissapointed!


Andre, Melissa and Jolie said...

I don't like to read very much and I didn't read the books either, but I LOVED the movie! I want to see it again! My theory, if you don't read the books, you are never dissapointed!!! The movie was so good, that it almost wants to make me read the books... almost :)

Ashley said...

Well as you know, I read the books- but I loved the movie! Even Michael liked it. I want to see it again, and I am not usually the type that likes to see movies over and over!

Ginger and Gregg said...

You have to read the books! But realize you won't get anything else done for about a week. I am glad you liked the movie. I am still undecided. I want to see it again though. Anyways, we are planning to get into Peoria on Monday. So we will call you guys soon!

Matt and Heather said...

I'm glad you liked the movie! I loved it... and I read the books. Maybe your doing it the right way... watching the movie THEN reading the book.
And I agree with you... I loved Edward.
It was good to see ya the other day!

Tanner Fam said...

I have to say, I read the books and liked the movie, but didn't love it. BUT, I saw it again this weekend and LOVED it. I was able to just sit and appreciate it for what it was. NOW you need to read the first book.

Kara said...

You HAVE to read the books, but you will truly do nothing else until you've finished all four! You will secretly pray that nap time will last for a couple more hours than usual. Liked the movie, but thought most of the music was off-base. READ, READ, READ!

Elder Romney's mission said...

I have the books 4 u, Chris took you? That is unlike him to want to see it! He must have read those books on his long commute to work without you knowing!

Misha said...

I loved the books and the movie. I was afraid I'd be disappointed in the movie after reading the books, but I wasn't. You should read them, though. They are great! Oh, and I thought Edward (Pattinson) was pretty perfect too. I just got the sheet music to Bella's Theme for the piano. It's pretty easy. Did you know that Pattinson really sings on the soundtrack? I guess he was in a band before he started acting. Pretty cool, huh?