Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What can I do?

Everyday for the last little while it has been a struggle to get Chloe to wear anything but her pajamas. Even when I do get her to give in and wear clothes, she changes right back into jammies when she gets home. Is this normal? Also Bella wont take a bottle anymore and I really wish she would so I could leave her with somebody if I needed to. Any ideas or suggestions on how to get her to take a bottle? She wont take a binki anymore either, which is ok with me because she really doesnt cry much at all. If anybody knows or has ideas, let me know!


Kelie said...

I just have to laugh about Chloe changing her clothes...this was a stage that both of my girls went through. so I would call it normal. every now and then they still do that or change their clothes up to 3 or more times in the same day. (hate the laundry) But I'm not sure how to get her to take a bottle...will she take a bottle from your mom or husband? annika wouldn't take a bottle if it wasn't warm enough and she liked it really warm! you could try heating it up just a little bit. Wish I had some better advice!

nelly said...

Both of our girls did the same kind of thing. It took a lot of convincing to get Larkin to wear anything but her underwear for a while. They figured if we're not going anywhere, why get dressed? So be thankful she is wearing anything at all and she'll grow out of it eventually.

My Life said...

Tatum and Rylee do the same thing still. They love their jammies. When they come home they jump right into their jammies. Tatum is having a hard time she only wants to wear "comfy clothes" it's a struggle too. I don't know about bottles never breast feed (slways wanted to) hope you are doing good miss ya

Joey and Megan said...

Kendall's going through a major clothes-changing stage right now too. She just changes clothes and shoes about 5 times a day, and I just follow her around and stick them back in the drawer when she dumps them.

I always gave all three of my babies bottles as well as nursing them. It gave me peace of mind knowing that if I had to be apart from my baby, they'd be okay. I would try doing a bottle feeding at the same exact time every day (maybe during dinner/when Chris gets home or at bedtime???) and see if she will get in the routine of it. You could also see what happens if you really do leave for awhile, you might be surprised. Hope that helps.

Also, someone mistook Kendall for Chloe (again) the other day. It was funny.

shananchuck said...

Oh I am dealing with the very same thing. Cooper wouldn't take a bottle the other night and Chuck had to bring him up to work so I could feed him. My thought was maybe a different nipple on the bottle. Hw still likes his binkie but doesn't need it!! I hope it gets better for you!

Gwen said...

oh well be grateful she at least will wear clothes! Jack and Nolan both fight to stay naked! They run around the house like naked banshies whenever I try to get them dressed or change their diapers.